
Friday, July 1, 2011

No Smoking on Your Balcony (Updated)

Yesterday afternoon I received a call from my landlord's leasing agent (aka little bitch).  I saw his number come up on my caller-id so I took the call; maybe he wanted to ask me about some maintenance work they did in my loft?

It does state in my lease that smoking is prohibited in the building and is grounds for eviction if it becomes a problem.  Before I even leased this place I asked about smoking on the balcony, which he said was fine.

So the call yesterday was about smoking.  When I answered the phone he greeted me and asked how I was doing.  Small talk.  He cut to the point and asked that I not smoke on my balcony for a couple weeks.  He asked me to not smoke "cigarettes" as frequently or try to blow the air up.  He did say cigarettes but I knew he meant the medical mary jane.  

The lady below me has three kids, two are around my girls' age but I won't smoke the m.j. if I hear the kids on their balcony.  Apparently my medical smoke must be traveling down into their apartment.

I told Yasir "yes I will take it easy and try not to smoke as much." (the meds I meant)  He told me he'd call me back in two weeks to let me know how things were going.  Is that how long it will take him to legally get a warrant to search my apartment for my medicine?  I don't do illegal drugs so he couldn't evict me based on the use of marijuana seeing that I have a card to use it.

I just found it amusing that he'd call and ask me not to smoke on my balcony while others in the building smoke in their units.  I knew what he meant when he said "cigarettes."  

Well I'm sorry.  I don't use marijuana as a recreational drug anymore.  Combined with my daily medications I get relief of pain and anxiety by smoking so I'll make sure to blow the pot smoke UP in the air but I'm not going to stop smoking!!

I will let you all know what comes about with this "smoking issue."

Friday morning

Friday morning I had my head phones on and my grocery bags on my way to shop.  The head maintenance man was in his van as I came out of the building.  I had a cigarette in my mouth in the elevator as the other maintenance man was getting on and I was coming off, cigarette wasn't lit.

When I walked outside and lit up the maintenance man called me over to his van and started yelling at me like I was a teenager.  "We got another complaint about you smoking on the balcony already this morning!  Everyday we get a complaint from the neighbor below." 

Before going off on this motherfucker, I bit my tongue and asked why he was talking to me the way he was.  I told him my rent is paid ahead, I don't party, and I keep to myself.  "I will not hold a conversation with you since you are going to speak to me in a disrespectful tone, and it is my balcony and I will smoke on it if I choose to.  End of story....good day!"

"We got a complaint this morning from the lady below you, she says she could smell smoke in her bathroom." said the Nazi maintenance man.

"I don't smoke in my bathroom, and even if I did: one, smoke rises and two, smoke is not going to permeate downward through a 4 inch thick concrete floor." Duh.

I dug into my wallet, grabbed a card for my defense lawyer and said if you get any more complaints, call him and I'm done speaking with you.

Haven't heard a word since.


  1. Smoke in the bathroom like everyone else.

  2. Oddly enough I was accused of that also today....

  3. Sounds like the lady downstairs is a bitch.

  4. this calls for a smokers anonymous meeting in your neighbors hallway.....just a thought lol
