
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Man the Fuck Up

Over the past month or so I've heard nothing but horror stories about husbands, ex husbands, boyfriends.....

4 words:

Man The Fuck Up!

This is aimed at men in relationships with kids involved.  You give guys like me a bad rap!  

Take care of your kids.  Be a father.  Spend quality time with them.  If you can't do that then jerk off!

Friday, September 16, 2011

I'll Swallow a Pill Before Pride

Earlier this spring I was diagnosed with  osteoarthritis in my hips.  The MRI showed a nice sized void in my left hip bone.  The prognosis: hip surgery in a minimum of three to five years, I am 35 with the hips of somebody double my age.

Yesterday as I made the daily walk to school to pick up my girls my left hip started tweaking on my.  I reached in my pocket and grabbed a pain pill, I was in so much pain I just chewed the pill without managing to barf it back up.

People have told me in the past "don't be embarrassed to use a cane."  It's not the embarrassment that stands in the way of using a cane, its a matter of pride.  I don't care if I have to walk with a limp at times but I will not sport a walking cane.

The pain started becoming unbearable back in November/December of this past year, but of course workers compensation wouldn't authorize an mri because they felt that problem was unrelated to my accident.  Geez that's funny because nobody in my family has hip problems and the mri showed mass amounts of tissue/muscle loss on my right buttock.

I'm sure being burnt half to death (most of which were the back of my legs), having multiple skin grafts, and being on my back for three solid weeks before learning to walk again had nothing to do with the hip problems I have now.  It's amazing how the American people and the government let insurance companies become so greedy.

The 8.5 years I dealt with workers compensation I had to swallow a lot of pride on many occasions.  It's a shitty feeling to have to ask somebody to borrow money because there's no food on the table with hungry kids to feed, or having to ask for help so our electricity never got shut off.

I'm done swallowing pride.  I'll walk it off until I can't walk anymore, then I will have the procedure done. This sudden change in weather is killing me as we to eat more of those yellow footballs because its time to wake the kids up for school, feed them, get them showered.  I don't have time for hip problems! 

So if you're healthy be grateful because having the hips of a 70 year old is no fun at 35.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Grab Life By the Balls

The last two weeks have been full of awesomeness for me.  I can think back to one year ago today and think of how miserable I was, the only thing that kept me going were my girls.

Fast forward to right now.....over the past 6-7 months I've made some great connections, met some important people and have made some true friends.  Life is really going my way for once in my life.  The soothing light at the end of my tunnel is no longer a freight train coming my way.

I've been to court (paying up for what I did in my 20's, yes I was a bad boy) and it has become pretty damn costly.  I don't recommend fucking off in your 20's unless you have money or your family does!  Take that grain of salt and hold onto it.

I was talking to a good friend earlier about how good she feels as opposed to just a month or so ago.  We both agreed that when the pieces of the puzzle come together they start fitting.  You might get a stray piece that don't fit, but you'll find it.  I did.

There's so much great stuff happening in my life right now but some of it I can't share because it involves court cases.  But I did put a bid in on a house close to my parents: city living is convenient and I like it, but I'd rather have a house I can call my own home.

My dad's been going through some experimental treatment for his rare blood cancer and for the most part its been knocking his dick in the dirt. Yes Cancer sucks, but treatments suck the life out of you, so I'm going to do what I can to get the house near them.

August was a great month, I had my daughters most of the month and we went to Chicago twice.  I'm the type who likes to book a trip hours before leaving and when it includes the girls they jump and get a suitcase ready.  I'm so busy with upcoming court cases I have to take trips on a whim.  And no, not all the court cases are bad: all of them have went in my favor thus far.

My ex hates when I write about her but I'm going to.  For seven years we had a volatile relationship and when she told me to leave I took that opportunity.  Sure I was the wife beater, and the emotionally abusive a record to prove it but most people who know me know that's not me. 

The ex would belittle me or brow beat me.  I wasn't doing enough around the house.  I didn't do her laundry right.  She didn't believe in any of my pipe dreams which are all about to come to fruition.  She left me for another man and I'm glad she told me "get the fuck out."  It was a blessing in disguise: I can safely say that a year later.

Sometimes you date or marry the people who bring out the rottenness and evil in you that you never knew was there, but unfortunately finding that person sucks.  I know I never want to go back into a relationship I shared with her.  Sure there will always be a spot in my heart for baby's momma, but its black.  I know its a place I never want to go again.

I had/have dreams and ambitions about the future of my family and when I make promises I keep them.  And to be with someone who doesn't believe in anything you do, well get out while you can instead of wasting years of your life like I did.

I had a ton of female friends (not in a sexual way either) and the ex couldn't stand that.  My daughters are so astounded at how many people I know, but they only meet the one's I've know for years.  Their mom's not sociable like I am, she's self consumed with pleasing the man she's with rather than do right by the girls.

The difference between the ex and I is that: I respect my daughters' feelings, I don't have a girlfriend who makes me ignore my girls, and if I did...the attention the girls get now wont change.  

Be a good mom when someone is looking.

That's it for now till I find another rant.  And if you're read this "K".....see you in court soon.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Where Shall We Go Today Ladies?

That was the question of the day Tuesday morning thus past the moment my girls arrived at 9 am.  

I think it's time for a change of scenery for a few days.  I'm getting tired of looking off the balcony.  Chicago?

Gabby did her happy dance with hands in the air, like she's Pentecostal or something, then ran into her room to grab the suitcase.  
Olivia ran and pulled all of their Gap outfits out and they had their stuff ready before I could finish booking the trip.  Found some cheap flight tickets, and reserved a room at the W- North Lakeshore where we stayed last time.

Booked our flight and room by 11 am, packed all of our stuff then had to call their mom to break the news.  I talked with momma and she said it was cool to take them but as long as she could have them all next week.  Done deal, so thank you K-dawg!

Called my sister to give us a lift to the airport at 4pm but got off a little early to drop us off at DTW.  Ang picked us up and the girls were jacked up on adrenaline.  Angie was there last weekend and my friend Renee was there for work and her kids were there also; they are like family to us.

I love Chicago and now the girls do too.  Gabby aspires to live there but when she told the cabbie that he told her "you better go to college first pretty lady."  

I'd been to Chicago about three times while I was a Boilermaker; let's just say when I take a female companion or my ladies, I definitely stay out of trouble.  It's a nice change of pace really ya know, parenthood and responsibility.  

Three common phrases the girls and I have heard in our travels to Chicago:

You are the two prettiest girls!
Just you and daddy in Chicago? Lucky girls, brave dad!
Look at that pretty girl dad! ! ! (Olivia at the top of her lungs, usually at crosswalks)

So while there we did lots of shopping for dad at the Gap, of course the girls too.  Then over to the American Girl money pit so they could get outfits that match their dolls.  Gabby got the sweats and tank, Olivia got the bathing suit of course.  I also bought my friend Amanda the American Girl doll she wanted; Fedex'd that doll Thursday and she got it Friday.  She's going to put it on her mantle above the fireplace!  I better get a professional print of that one lady!

Wednesday they had fireworks right near Navy Pier so we swam in the pool then watched the fireworks on the balcony adjacent to the pool.  We had went to Millennium Park earlier and they played in the waterfall while I did some bird watching.  There's lots of pigeons in Chicago.  Needless to say, there was no arguing with dad about getting ready for bed and as soon as their head hit the pillows they were out.  Oh and we went to the Field Museum to take pictures of make-believe dinosaurs.

Thursday we went out and did some more shopping.  Dad wanted a Guess watch but Guess what?  I wasn't paying $450 for a Guess watch.  So back to the Gap because the girls were wearing their last pairs of socks so of course I had to buy some more clothes.

Got back to the room and tried my clothes on and Olivia told me "you look handsome daddy."  We had made dinner plans that evening with our friend Renee, her friend Lori and the whole gang of banshees at the Cheesecake Factory.  Since I was with the cheesecake queen I opted not to try their garbage for dessert.

After dinner we all went back to our hotel so the kids could swim, let the kids blow off some steam before bed.  That did the trick that night.

Friday was check-out and I ended up sleeping in until 10:30am because my phone died overnight and I missed the alarm, so I we had to scramble and shove 100lbs of shit into two 40lb bags and a backpack.  It worked!  We checked out and headed over to Renee's hotel to drop off our luggage before lunch and the Aquarium with her and the whole crew. 

It was a little cooler Friday (101) than it was Thursday (110).  We had a quick bite to eat, jumped a cab and hit the aquarium where we watched 4D Happy Feet and a dolphin show.  We spent a good couple hours there browsing all the fishies. We say this king crab that would've been mighty tasty in my kitchen!  If I could've only stole that and the ginormous lobster without getting caught I would've.  

After the aquarium Renee's friend had to leave to visit family right outside Chicago so we took the kids to eat at a little English Pub called Elephant's (something but I forgot!).  The food was pretty good, had great conversation with Renee about the restaurant business.  We both detect large quantaties of win between her husband's and my barbecue and cooking skill in general.

See ladies, when us men have to play the stay at home dad role we learn a thing or two about cooking; unless of course you got a man with no passions or ambitions.

The girls wanted me to sign up for Master Chef but I said give me until next season so I can at least take a crash course in culinary arts.  

Side Note:

Speaking of cook-offs, the TDRR/LoveTheBeaver team didn't place with our food we were still voted "Event's Favorite Sponsor."  My team: Kristine, Zoe, Jim, Angie all kicked ass that day.  We went into the competition green as hell not knowing what to expect but we made do with what we had and we got some real positive feedback on the food: Yankee seafood gumbo, seafood cornbread and sweet potato crunch.

We got invited to a chili cook-off later this month by a councilwoman who loved my food the best!  She said we missed the barbecue cook-off they host in Wyandotte but she said there's always next year.  Met the mayor of Taylor, both he and his wife loved the food because it was different.  I told him my plans to open a restaurant and he told me to call him if I decide to look at real estate in Taylor.

So now the word is out that I have a team that can cook!  Kudos to us! 

Back to the story:

After dinner I had to stop and get me some official White Sox jersey and hat.  I wanted to make it out of Chicago alive because the Sox were losing to the Tigers when I made the purchase.  I got the only jersey without a name or number so that means I'm going to have my own name and number embroidered on the jersey.

We parted ways with Renee and the family and took a cab to O'hare.  Fucking cabbie took the longest route possible.  We got to the airport, checked in and the TSA line was a mile and a half long.  And to top that off the flight was delayed 45 minutes.  Luckily the lady checking tickets sent me to the special line because I had kids with me.  WIN!

Our plane arrived right on their scheduled lateness.  Fuck Spirit Airlines.  We got on the plane and I sat by the window and Olivia sat in the middle.  Before the plane took off I was already snoozing.  Olivia woke me up and told me that she made friends with the pretty lady sitting in front of us, conveniently. The lady complimented how cute she was telling her all my secrets.  

That girl is just like her mom at times!  Too bad the lady was married and I smelled like a zoo animal from sweating and the wore off deodorant.  We went to baggage claim where we waited forever then bounced upstairs to catch a Metro Car home.  The girls fell asleep in my lap as soon as we hit the a/c in the car.

I had the driver drop my ladies off at their mom's and then I went back to the crib to dump off all of our luggage.  I had a bunch of friends waiting to see me at Le Cigar, made it just before last call.  My buddy Naj, Bazzi, his wife and brother, my friend Lisa whose boyfriend hates me to death when I'm around.  Sorry if your girl professes how much she likes me in front of you.  Trust me, it's an awkward situation shaking the hand of a man that hates you.  Got to see my friend Cilla  who I helped get a job there.  The aforementioned people are really genuine people.  We get silly as hell when we all get together, always guaranteed laughs!

The whole point of the trip was to talk to my girls about life: my goals, what they'd like to be when they grow up, the restaurant business, and the topic of dad having a girlfriend.  I guess you could say we bonded while having a REAL TALK session.  I had their full attention while we talked.

The girls are ambitious about getting our own house and the restaurant business, but the subject of me having a serious girlfriend didn't fly so well with Gabby: her eyes started to well up.  I reassured her that I'm ready to settle down and share our lives with someone we all love.  I told her I only want to get married once and that I am happy with my life, with them and all the time we share together.  And I told them that I don't need a constant girlfriend to make me feel good about myself, but told both girls I am content with the way things are now.  Gabrielle didn't cry but instead gave me a big hug, kiss and an "I love you daddy!" 

If there's one thing money can't buy: it is time.  I'm not going to be that dad who regrets not spending as much time with them as I can.  They are my motivation to be a better father and a better person.

I've been blessed with the means to show them different changes of scenery but my love comes from the heart and not my checkbook.  They are a tad spoiled but they are grateful and that gives me the best feeling ever.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011


How fuck can you have sooo much to say but dont know where to start?????????????????/

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Thank You All For Making My Dreams Come True

No more wasting time, life is finally moving in the direction I had been planning for years.  No longer am I bound by chains from my past.  Remember that old saying "you spend your 30's cleaning up what you did in your 20's?"  That's me!

Thanks to worker's comp for making my life a living hell for the last 8 something years.  Their plan is to keep you on long enough until you're dragged down to the very direst of straits that you want to kill yourself.  Been there and it was a place that was very hard to get out of.....they (workers comp) like to string you along for as long as they possibly can.  Utter bullshit the government needs to intervene with.  

I've been to court several times in my life, its a nice change of pace when you start winning all of the good fights.  And anyone that threatens me, my daughters, or my ex will be dealt with swiftly in court.  Homie don't play when it comes to family.

What I really want to say is:

Thank you to all who have stood by me in the darkest of hours of my life and continue to still believe in what I am trying to accomplish in life.  I am finally living my dreams!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Goats are Ready

So I am on the train to Chicago last week and I get a text message from my buddy Naj.  If you haven't read the first part of the story click the following link I Love Your Sister

I grabbed my phone to get this picture mail that said "I am ready to trade."

I laughed my ass off and forwarded it to my sister and Dr. Bazzi. Seems old Naj wasn't bullshitting when he said he'd give me or my dad four goats for Angie's hand in marriage.

Dr. Bazzi sent the text message to Angie, they do work together.  Me, Naj, and Bazzi all laughed our asses off: Angie diagnosed the three of us as mentally retarded. 

Last night was my birthday party at Le Cigar, but old Najo had to go back to Lebanon and was pissed he couldn't be at the party because Angie was going to be there.

Don't worry Naj.....Nate got her smashed and she had to go home at midnight to throw up!  But you did miss a good party!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Packing My Bowl of Pipe Dreams

Today I hosted a dinner party for nine people including me.  Some friends and some family.  In case you don't follow along, I entered a cook off on August 28th.  Since then I've been putting together a team: one or two more chefs (me included) and I have to have two women serve my food to patrons.  

Today's dinner went well.  We've got some positive feedback and some constructive criticism....just what we needed.  I found a good partner chef and two gorgeous women to serve my food.  

Like I've said, I've made some great connections and met some new people who share passions for the same things I do.   It's been my "pipe dream" to open my own restaurant for the last seven years now.  I love to cook: I love peoples' criticism because 9 out of 10 times it's good.

For the last few months I've been living my dreams: baby step from one to the next, seems to be working for me.  Right now I am loving life and even more the people who believe in the pipe dreams I have.  I bring it, I don't sing it when it comes to living the ultimate dream.  

 I set my psychical abilities (hips/back) aside when it comes to being in a kitchen: that's what the pills and smoke-able medicine is for.  

One thing that's been on my mind all day is that I haven't talked to my little women.  I know don't need to talk to me everyday to know that their dad loves them;  I miss them when they're not here and I don't have to make a phone call everyday for them to know that.  

Nonetheless, first dinner practice went well.  I've got an awesome team that loves to cook and two beautiful women to help serve food.  My team will place in this competition and I'm sure of that.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


I met this great woman earlier.  She was smoking the hookah outside, alone; my perfect chance to ask her if she wanted company. WIN.

We get to chatting; I cut right through the bullshit, and ask about her availability.  She explains she went to school on the East coast, and is damn near a doctor.  Luckily I mingle with a doctor at the cigar bar: I hooked them up and my buddy said he needs somebody like her. 

Major brownie points for me!  I maybe a nobody but I know the right people.  So after the introduction, I inquire about her boyfriend in Jersey; whom she's going to see in like two weekends.  She talks about it nonchalantly.

I ask what she's doing this weekend.  Contingent on her friends plans, we are going to Chicago next weekend: to shop!  

If you think about it, I just so happened to talk to her and we've got plans for Chicago next weekend.  She's paying her way, my flight tickets with her frequent flier miles and I'll secure the room someplace like the "W."  

We exchanged numbers before we parted ways, but she says she's  going with me to Chi-town to shop!  My kind of lady.  

She is one of the finest Black women I've ever she's got awesome feet!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Downriver Cook Off #2

August 28th is the Downriver Cook Off #2.  I was invited to the event and noticed you could enter as a chef! Ta-da!  I emailed the host and he emailed me the itinerary for the day.  But to me the itinerary is vague about the rules.  Only states that your food will be judged.

If you're on Facebook you can find the event by following the link right here: The Downriver Cook Off #2

I do plan on entering as a competing chef (if I even live up to that title yet).  So I sit here and wonder how many people would come out to support an unknown chef named TDRR?

It will be at Silver Shores in Wyandotte on August 28.  $25/ticket, $50 restaurant/chef entree fee.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Anniversary of My Break-up

There's one thing that humored me about my past relationship; when the ex wanted to go out, I'd bitch because we never had the money when I wanted to go out but when she wanted to go out we had the money. Ironic.  Seldom we did things as a date night. 

When I'd bitch about it, hand on hips too, she'd be like "it's not babysitting your kids!" 

What the fuck?  It's not about being a babysitter, more so a caregiver or selfless adult who puts his kids first but of course I'm sure you've heard about the addict, womanizing, liar, cheating dreamer.  I'd had eight years to sit around and pack my bowl full of pipe dreams, prepared for the uncertain future was I? No. 

I'll be the first to admit I had issues that evolved around her issues and she made the first move in calling it quits; maybe it was the best thing to ever happen to us?  I'm happy, she's happy, things seem to be going well for the most part presently.

It's been a year since my ex told me to move out.  I didn't want to go but sitting here a year later I can say it's the best and worst thing that's happened to me in the past year.  It gave me that little kick in the ass to start working on my dreams, most likely not her intent for making me vacate the premises we called home. 

The only place I had to go was to my parents' house.  I loaded a suitcase one year ago today (7/12/10) and left for my parents' house.  That was a very hard summer for me not being under the same roof as my girls, being able to tuck them in at night.  Many nights I did cry as I worked on my handwritten journals knowing I wasn't going to be there when they woke up. 

I'd raised those girls since they were fresh outta the womb.  I'm not saying momma didn't help but she went back to work after her maternity leave, which I was believe was 8 - 10 weeks.  Call me an idiot if I didn't get those facts right.  So there I was, a year and a half since my accident (10/15/02): going from earning $50k as an apprentice Boilermaker to pulling in a steady $500 a week on workers compensation  and also a stay at home dad.

I know what women go through having to maintain a household and children at once.  At one point we had both girls in diapers: that was a big fucking pain in the ass!   But I toughed it out and my ex and I stuck it out seven years.

Living with my parents was torture: they are set in their ways, and me staying there threw a big monkey wrench into their routines.  The first few months were cool but then mine and my dad's relationship started to go astray to where we avoided each other.  That sucks when you live under that person's roof. 

Fast forward till today: life is good, the girls and I have our own home, and they believe in the same pipe dream I do about the restaurant.

I was telling my mom earlier about how happy I am that things are finally going my way, and that I've met some really great new lady friends lately.  Mom cut through the crap cake and broke it down like this:

You need a women that accepts you for you, and one who supports your endeavors.  I've seen the women you've went out with and you're looking in the wrong direction.  You need a good woman who already has a good career, not the high maintenance ones you've went out with.  You need a woman who supports your every effort but is able to still make her own money or has a goal, direction in life. And one who can make a decision on her own!

Didn't realize I was fucking up on the dating shit before my ex, why tell me after? 

So here I sit exactly one year later and life these days isn't where I expected to be a year from last but I'm grateful for the things I have.  I get my daughters quite often, I cook for them (big on the family meal together) and we always have fun together.

It's the little things that count the most to those little ladies: Coldstone is always a winner with dad, but only if they act like ladies while out!  My girls amaze me by their brilliance and vocabulary; most of which they know not to repeat outside of 402. 

Wow.  How much a person can change over a year.  The handwritten journals (on #7) are a great reference to me.  I like to go back to the beginning of this date a year ago and see how much my line of thinking, and my emotions have all evolved since then.  Some of the stuff I read I cannot believe I used to think in the manner I did because I'm in such a much happier place now.

Back to the finding the right one: I've quit looking because most likely the perfect on is right under my nose.  I'll admit that my ex was very pretty, but as I grow older my taste has changed.  I'm just waiting for that one to come along who accepts the girls and I as a package deal, whose down with my restaurant business, and one who wants to be a family.  I want to travel and see the world from a different perspective as a family, it'd be nice to come across someone with the same ambitions.

As of now I'm content but always dream of that one who shares your dreams.

Friday, July 1, 2011

No Smoking on Your Balcony (Updated)

Yesterday afternoon I received a call from my landlord's leasing agent (aka little bitch).  I saw his number come up on my caller-id so I took the call; maybe he wanted to ask me about some maintenance work they did in my loft?

It does state in my lease that smoking is prohibited in the building and is grounds for eviction if it becomes a problem.  Before I even leased this place I asked about smoking on the balcony, which he said was fine.

So the call yesterday was about smoking.  When I answered the phone he greeted me and asked how I was doing.  Small talk.  He cut to the point and asked that I not smoke on my balcony for a couple weeks.  He asked me to not smoke "cigarettes" as frequently or try to blow the air up.  He did say cigarettes but I knew he meant the medical mary jane.  

The lady below me has three kids, two are around my girls' age but I won't smoke the m.j. if I hear the kids on their balcony.  Apparently my medical smoke must be traveling down into their apartment.

I told Yasir "yes I will take it easy and try not to smoke as much." (the meds I meant)  He told me he'd call me back in two weeks to let me know how things were going.  Is that how long it will take him to legally get a warrant to search my apartment for my medicine?  I don't do illegal drugs so he couldn't evict me based on the use of marijuana seeing that I have a card to use it.

I just found it amusing that he'd call and ask me not to smoke on my balcony while others in the building smoke in their units.  I knew what he meant when he said "cigarettes."  

Well I'm sorry.  I don't use marijuana as a recreational drug anymore.  Combined with my daily medications I get relief of pain and anxiety by smoking so I'll make sure to blow the pot smoke UP in the air but I'm not going to stop smoking!!

I will let you all know what comes about with this "smoking issue."

Friday morning

Friday morning I had my head phones on and my grocery bags on my way to shop.  The head maintenance man was in his van as I came out of the building.  I had a cigarette in my mouth in the elevator as the other maintenance man was getting on and I was coming off, cigarette wasn't lit.

When I walked outside and lit up the maintenance man called me over to his van and started yelling at me like I was a teenager.  "We got another complaint about you smoking on the balcony already this morning!  Everyday we get a complaint from the neighbor below." 

Before going off on this motherfucker, I bit my tongue and asked why he was talking to me the way he was.  I told him my rent is paid ahead, I don't party, and I keep to myself.  "I will not hold a conversation with you since you are going to speak to me in a disrespectful tone, and it is my balcony and I will smoke on it if I choose to.  End of story....good day!"

"We got a complaint this morning from the lady below you, she says she could smell smoke in her bathroom." said the Nazi maintenance man.

"I don't smoke in my bathroom, and even if I did: one, smoke rises and two, smoke is not going to permeate downward through a 4 inch thick concrete floor." Duh.

I dug into my wallet, grabbed a card for my defense lawyer and said if you get any more complaints, call him and I'm done speaking with you.

Haven't heard a word since.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Myrtle Beach 6/11-6/18/2011

Well just to let y'all know me and the whole family had the most excellent vacation to date.  The south will always be where my heart is.

(And due to stalker/privacy issues, pictures will not be posted here. Sorry!)

This is the sixth year we've made the trip and the first time the ex and her son didn't go.  I think I may have had a moment while holding the girls in the deep water of the Atlantic that I kind of wished they were there but that thought got washed away by the very tide that hit us!

My bro in law to be Jim brought his cornhole boards/bags he made, as he does every year.  I think I played one game in years past, but since the usual cornholers didn't attend this year my dad and Jim had some new blood: me and my cousin Matt.

Right of the get-go Matt and my dad were teammates and I got Jim.  Matt had started in on the Great Cornholio from Beavis and Butthead.  I thought I was one of the very few people I know who missed that show!!  After the first few games the shit talking started to see who would become next Great Cornholio.  

Of course his first time playing, Matt threw four bags in the hole on one turn earning him the title of The Great Cornholio.

The rest of the time was spent on the beach, in the pool, or shopping.  My friend Amanda flew in from Sunday 6/19 until Wednesday afternoon.  We took the girls banana boating in the ocean and they loved it.  $200 for four people to para sail was quite a bit of money and isn't that exciting.  I took the girls, and a friend they had made there, banana boating the next day.  The sea was angry that day!  They made the other girl sit in front and me in back.  I told them if one of them went in I'd be right behind them.

The girls started saying they were going to get sick because the waves were huge: fun for dad!!  We got a ten minute ride and the day before we got almost a thirty minute ride, I felt gyped.  I asked the guy if the ride was short because I didn't bring my friend with the fake boobs?  Bastards!

Tuesday after some fun in the sun, Amanda and I took the kids with us so I could get some ink and then go eat.  My tattoo took longer than expected so I had three, crabby, and very hungry women on my hands.  Since Amanda was patient with me and my tattoo I treated her to dinner at a Brazilian restaurant called Rioz, almost the exact same thing as Fogo De Chao.  The girls got to eat for free thank you baby jeebus.   It was awesome, we tore up some food!

On Thursday: me, Olivia, Jim, Angie, and Amber went charter boat fishing.  The sea was very angry that day too and had a boat full of people.  I went out and made some local friends who kept me out until 4am that morning.  The boat left at 8:30, I think?  I know it was about an hour ride.  Gabby went golfing with my dad.  Needless to say, I felt sick before we even left to fish.  Everything was Kosher until we got out past the break walls!

We finally made it to our fishing destination and at least half the people were throwing up over the side of the boat and in garbage cans.  Suckas!  I was on one side of the boat and Olivia fished with Angie.  Matt filled me in that so many people were throwing up off the back of the boat and they were chumming the fish.  In the meantime, Matt is checking on Amber, Jim, Olivia, and trying to get some fishing in.  Poor Amber is PG and got sick from watching Jim toss his cookies.

I thought they had overcrowded the boat but there was plenty of room to fish once people started getting sick.  There was an older gentleman next to me throwing up as I was fishing.  I told him if I got chunked on he'd be going for a swim, he moved.

That was a good day.  We all had quite an adventure on the boat, and Gabrielle shot a perfect game on a small nine hole, par three course.  My dad shot two or three under.   By the end of the day I was plumb tuckered: no cornhole for anybody that night.

On Friday we spent some time on the beach with Amber, Matt, and Vince before they left to drive home.  After the beach I took the girls shopping for clothes and more luggage.  Man are those little women high maintenance.  Once we got back to the beach house I made them change into their clothes and we walked down by the pier where we had dinner together.  The restaurant was a burger joint with outdoor seating overlooking the ocean and you could throw peanuts on the floor. The girls had a field day with that one!

After dinner the girls and I got an ice cream cone on the pier, then they talked me into fishing.  I told them when it gets dark the fishing is over.  Every time I threw the line out I caught something; all the kids on the pier thought I was the shiznit and the girls were bragging that's MY dad!  

Saturday morning the rest of the crew left for Detroit, and the girls and I waited for a cab to the airport from the rental home.  Our flight left at 1:15pm and it felt so good getting back home that fast!  

We were talking about going back in August but I think this time the crowd may be smaller.  As did I, the girls' left a piece of their hearts in Myrtle Beach.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

35 in Chi-town

Some friends and I went out to the Cigar bar and smoked the hookah, and had a few cocktails.  After closing down the bar my two friends and I got a travel bug after a night of fun.

We came back to my place and looked at flights to Las Vegas; too expensive for three.  So I looked at flights to Chicago...the red-eye of course.  My one friend and I booked a flight at 4:30am to leave to Chicago at 8am Sunday morning and return at 7:35pm in Detroit on Monday.  We took the clothes on our backs, neither of us had our kids; her kid in good hands with her parents.  

What the hell?  Let's do this.  So we did.

I have been wanting to get away just for a quick trip and my travel buddy is a dedicated full time, single mom.  She is rarely away from her kid for more that a few hours.  I guess you could say we were both in the right place at the right time to jet out for a minute.

We arrived at 8am and took the blue line train from O'hare to the city, still feeling a bit drunk after a 30 minute power nap before we landed.

No tooth brushes, no phone charger, no change of clothes; we left with the idea of having a good time which we did.  We got of the train and ended up staying at the Marriott; I had to make a reservation with the credit card and our room wouldn't be ready until noon and it was only 9am.  We stayed on the corner of Hubbard and Dearborn right near the Dearborn Plaza.

That was the view from our 5th floor room looking down at Ruth Chris'. 

We left Detroit from TDRR Palace on Michigan Avenue just four hours away on the other end of Michigan Avenue.  Then found ourselves sitting on a sofa ready to crash at the Einstein Brothers Bagels right next to the hotel until we could check in.

The weather was kind of shitty there when we arrived.  It was gloomy and you could tell it was going to rain and it did while we smooshed on the couch at the bagel joint.  We sat at the bagel shop until 11:45am and went next store where we were greeted by a dude with a French accent.  We got the room key, turned the television on and took a nice nap.

I woke up around 4pm: it was dark as fuck, raining buckets, fuck it, back to sleep.  Got back up around 5pm and it was done raining, my phone completely dead.  I told the sexy one I was going to get some water and stuff, a half hour later I returned sweating bullets with pop, water, chips and some hooch.

We got ready as you can, showering and putting some sweaty ass clothes on.  What the fuck were we thinking?  We left Detroit with a good idea.  Good thing room service had tooth brushes!  And a phone charger!

After we got gussied up we headed to Fogo De Chao (Brazilian restaurant) , the sexy rocker chick I was with thought it was a plan.  We jumped a cab and it was right around the block from where we were staying...brain fart!  I had ate there before twice and once in Atlanta, excellent food!  

I called my homey John to recommend a place for a nice drink.  He recommended the bar on the 96th floor of the John Hancock building: The Signature Lounge.  What an amazing view of the city and the Sear Tower.  There were so many Japs there with their professional cameras at the window so we sat at our table and enjoyed a couple cocktails in awe over the view.

Yep.  That's the smile of drinking a $15 martini!!  But it was the Signature Lounge!

We had a martini and a Long Island, after which they ran us out of the bar at 1am so we hoofed it back to the hotel, which was only about 20 blocks!  It was a nice walk.  I got jewed into spending $2.00 on a free paper...jackass!  

Day 2

The next morning I got up at the crack of dawn.  I went and picked up my phone from the front desk where they charged it for me...bonus!  I went out for a few smokes and a fake Carmel macchiato at the bagel place!  It was already 80 degrees out at 8am.  I came back, we both got ready for a day of sweating and sightseeing.
Sarah had the continental juice and stale pastry.  I had to go back to the room to drop a deuce before going for a long walk.  

Along our travels we took some snapshots, got some souvenirs, and hung around Millenia Park.  Around 2pm we were so wore out we decided to catch the blue line back to O'hare.  The Tiger's hat was bangin' from the smell of sweat.  I felt disgusting!  Our flight was to leave at 5:35pm so we just made our way back.  Here's some snapshots of Day 2.

I had an awesome time Sarah! ;-)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I Got One For Ya Stalkers

Stalking and threatening my family is not in your best interest.......crumbsnatcher!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I Love Your Sister

As far back as I can remember, well since Angie was a teenager, I've been fucked with so much: "hook me up!", "I love her."

My Boilermaker buddies were relentless at trying to marry my sister.....they fucked with me daily about her because they knew I got tired of hearing about it so it never stopped!

I met a doctor Ang works with at Le Cigar, Dr. Bazzi is down to earth and funny.  The owner Naj said he'd give my dad a goat to have Ang's hand in marriage. 

The other night I walked into the cigar bar and Dr. Bazzi was smoking the hookah and started laughing as he shook my hand.

"Naj has two goats in the alley for your dad!"  We laughed our asses off.  We both tease Naj, Dr. Bazzi jokes with Ang at work about the goats in the alley behind the bar.

I tell them that she's happily engaged, but I'll take the goats!!!

I will see them both again, and the joke will continue even further! 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Look Out World

Finally our place is starting to feel like a home.  Pictures, original art from my cousin hanging over my sofa.  He went to the same elementary school that my girls go to; the school produces some very intellectual little people, the parents are also very talented people also.  The school is based on arts and now technology.

I've gotten into this habit, a bad one, and if I want to live the dream of my restaurant business I have to give up the lifestyle I've been living lately.

I've given this a ton of thought: if I meet the right woman I want to get married, but she's gotta be on board with my restaurant passion....and I have two daughters so we come as a package deal and if a woman can't accept that then it wont work.  My daughters' are numero uno and if they don't approve then.....adieu!  

I mentioned the other day on The Book that I was content without a woman, and I am.  Some people thrive on having that relationship/companionship.  I'm no shrink but to me those people sound needy?

Maybe I haven't met a woman that'd make me feel needy yet?

Good women are hard to find: the good one's (mostly taken).  Wulla!  I'm not looking but my mind is open to that right person, I don't have any walls built because of past experiences with dating....throw kids in the mix too!

Some other great news.....I got my passport!  TDRR in Amsterdam, Germany...maybe France.  I'm taking the Beaver overseas!


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Success is the Only Option

Today was both good and bad, but you've gotta take them together.

I had an MRI on my hips Sunday and today I got to hear the report.  Osteoarthritis in both hips.  It's not genetic and has nothing to do with my accident where I lost part of my right buttock?  Insurance companies are blind.  Did I have this problem  before 10/15/2002?  No.

All I know is that in the grand scheme of things, my dreams:  I don't care if I've got to barbecue in my own damn restaurant in a flippin power scooter I will own my own place.  My daughters are on board with the restaurant business so that's motivation enough to give it a shot.  Maybe one day I'll meet Gordon Ramsay but I hope its his other show, not Kitchen Nightmares!

We've been in our loft now a little over two months and this place is always such a pain in the arse to keep clean, plus those two little women go through a ton of laundry!  It's like an OCD nightmare, I can not just sit around knowing there's dust everywhere.  

Aside from today's little diagnosis, I am not going to let it stand in the way of our dreams.

Feet don't fail me now!

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Garden of Laundry

If there's one thing I hate it is laundry.  I hate everything about it, washing and folding.

We can thank Adam and his bright idea of letting a snake talk him into eating the apple.

From that moment forward, Adam was the creator of vanity, which in turn led to lot's of heaving petting.  

Wow!  Eve looks pretty hot eating that apple.  Whoa what's this thing between my legs, its getting bigger.....Oh Eve!

That one little apple led to the birth of LAUNDRY!  Men had to cover their peckers with fig leaves and women had to cover their bush with vegetation to keep the horny men at ease.

As time went on we became hornier and hornier until the earth was full of horny people.  Finally somebody figured out how to make clothes that would cover everything.  But then they realized after wearing the same leathers for years at a time was causing a decrease in population they figured out how to make fabric: that could be cleaned.


So here we are in modern times, as vane as ever, wearing all kinds of clothes, using all types of linens that have to be washed.  This leads to rants like this when you let your laundry go for a day or two!  

Laundry leads to the use of energy, natural resources, hot water, electricity, etc.  You get the fucking point right?

So when Adam took a bite of that apple, he left behind the first carbon footprint.  And now I'm stuck folding 2 days worth of laundry.  

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Lonely Day

As life would have it, I had lunch with Michelle and Alexios......but I told you this shit earlier!

If you're an asswipe whose a noob click the the blue words that say My Loney Life Part 2

I had an extraordinary day today!  Last Sunday I had bought 3 $50 tickets to win a grand prize of a 2011 Comaro SS....mutha fuckin American Power!  I broke out the at least 11 year old Ralph Lauren golf pant....take note: The real deal last forever!

My home-girl Michelle told me how she knew her husband's "dreams/goals."  Her husband owns his own bakery and puts in mega-hours, but she supports his every move.  She knew that going into the relationship, and here we are 11+ years later and she still  believes in his goals..................

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Livin, Lovin, Without a Woman

I got the girls off to school this morning but not before we had breakfast at our breakfast bar.  I had made a 9:30am appointment with an investment banker and my dad was taking me.  I didn't realize when I made the appointment last week that it was a late start, but I'm VIP so showing up late to a business meeting is like whatever.

My dad picked us up and we dropped the girls off at school and went to the bank to listen the the man's spiel about how to invest.  He pretty much want's to gamble with my money.  The jeans, shirt, shoes and watch I wore were worth more than his suit.  I've heard this song and dance before but from someone I trust and that's why I invested with the broker I did.

I just couldn't stand the rambling so I told him I had to cut him short because I had a business appointment at 11:30am: sushi date!

I met my friend Michelle and her son Alexios (4) at the sushi restaurant.  We ordered our food and had a nice, in-depth chat about life, kids and goals.  Over 10 years ago Michelle and I were roommates, just roommates: she is like a sister to me.

I talked to her about my meeting and how the man asked if I started pricing properties for my barbecue restaurant.  Michelle's husband owns his own bakery and is probably the hardest working man I know.

Michelle told me that his dream was to always make his own bread to distribute, so a couple years ago he bought himself a bakery.  She told me that his plan for the future was to give his kids the opportunity to purse any career they wanted in life. 

I told Michelle "that is exactly what my plan is with the restaurant."  Her hubsters works mad hours and she takes care of everything at home and with the kids.  We also scratched the surface of my dating life.

I told her I was ready to find a good woman, get married (one time only) and live my dreams with someone who supports my efforts, just as Michelle supports her husbands dream.  I told her that my girls were on-board with the restaurant business, and their stamp of approval is good enough for me!  If they believe their dad can do it, that says a lot. 

Michelle and I had a great conversation over lunch, and the conversation had really made me think about my future as far as finding a good woman.  As of now I am not looking: you always seem to find the good ones when you're not looking.

Thanks Michelle and Alexios.  I thoroughly enjoyed lunch today!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

My Lonely Life 2

My sushi dates, a fine group of lady friends, have been trying to coordinate a sushi date.  My friend Mish called me today and said "I need my fix.  Soon.  We can go tomorrow by ourselves (and her son of course)."

It's a date.

We didn't go last week, so Thursday I cheated on my home-girls and bought "fresh sushi" from Westborn market.  My friend and I got some kind of Salmon and some Philadelphia rolls I think?

The sushi was okay but it wreaked havoc on my stomach the next day: I regret my infidelity to my sushi dates!  I cheated and paid!  Never again. 

So tomorrow's lunch should be a gut busting good time: good laughs and about 60 rolls between the two of us!  Mish weighs like a $1.10 soaking wet, I don't know where she puts it all.

Tomorrow night I'm attending the Dearborn Firefighter's Burn Drive.  $50/ticket, I got three.  The grand prize: a 2011 Comaro  SS or $40,000.  They are having a reception and the raffle is at 9pm so my sister and her fiance are going to attend with me.

I'm looking forward to my lonely life tomorrow: sushi then finding out if I got the winning ticket!

Wish me luck!

Monday, May 2, 2011

My Lonely Life....

I got a funny blog comment that I left unmoderated from some loon.  

Apparently the government is footing the bill for everything I have.  Excuse me while I have a LULZ attack.....

There's no such thing as "government housing" on West Michigan Avenue.

I went into Chase bank (which I dislike very much) to grab some loot, and there is this drop dead gorgeous Lebanese woman close to my age who's awful flirty: it's the only goddamn reason I keep my account there.  When I first started going to the branch she works at she would always handle my transactions at her desk.  You know I roll VIP.

She's a beautiful woman but she's got rock that would break her arm on her hand.  I do have morals but sometimes they get left in my back pocket.  I'm not into being a home wrecker, believe me if I was that list would be mighty long.

So while at the bank we chatted, I always call her Mrs. Tasha.  I've always been attracted to Middle-Eastern women, the hot ones of course.  

Long story shortened: I made a cash drop at another bank and my dad rolled with me to Gardner White where I ordered my leather recliner and three leather bar/breakfast stools.   I know people, who know people, and I got hooked up with a good deal through a friend.

This has put me into an OCD re-arrangement!  I then heard this story in my travels today about a woman who left her fiancee to be with the man she's marrying this weekend.  It stopped and made me think that--you cant help who you fall in love with.  

I'm so lonely that this female I know asked me to join her after work for drinks.  It is obvious there is one thing and one thing only that she'd like. And that is to taste the flavor.

Will I do it?

A gentleman never tells.....


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Little Thanks

I think I've finally gotten use to my new routines at the new place.  

A few weeks ago we (the ex and I) had Gabrielle's birthday party at Buffalo Wild Wings and had a great turn out.  A lot of my family was there as well as the ex.  Things went smooth.

The ex stopped by Easter morning before the girls got up to surprise them, and yes the were surprised to have their mom waking them up.  She stayed for a cup of coffee before having to leave.  The girls enjoyed their mom's visit on Easter.

Seeing that I don't have a car yet, she helps out when its my morning to take the kids to school if it's raining: like the past two days.

I just wanted to say thank you for being able to maintain a healthy friendship with me for the girls.  I realize that you have moved on from me, and I am mighty fine with that as long as you've found the happiness you're looking for.

Babies Daddy,


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Heaven Beside You?

My ex called me at 2pm on Friday to tell me she was on her way over with the girls, they had literally just got into town.  I had about 10 bags of groceries to take up to the apartment.  Fun?  Not really but I was excited about seeing my ladies for the first time in a week.

They told me on their way home Thursday night what they wanted to eat for the next five days.  They know their dad will hook it up in the kitchen, I love cooking for them and just about anybody else.  I got the groceries up and hurried onto the balcony for a little medicine before the girls arrived.

They buzzed my phone while I was outside.  It looked like they had grown some in a week, and they had tans on their little faces.  I was like "you lucky little dogs with your sun tans!" 

I got the groceries put away and I played a few songs off their Ipods on my guitar for them: yes we can rock out some Taylor Swift!  We played around for a while before they were asking me to cook Beef Stroganoff.  Delicious, easy, kids love it, but dad thinks of it as like mac n' cheese: not up there on favorite things to eat list but whatever my ladies want.

At dinner I had to remind them of their manners and asked if they minded their manners while they were at their Maw maw's house?  Olivia replied that Maw maw asked one of them if they "left their manners in their pocket?"  I could hear Maw Maw saying that so I got a good laugh.

We talked about their trip.  I asked how all their family was, I miss them too so it was nice to hear the girls had such a good time.  When dinner was done Olivia got her folding stool out of the pantry to help clean up the dishes and load them into the washer.  She's such a good helper when it comes to working in the kitchen, cooking too!  

The three of us enjoy working in the kitchen together.

Yesterday (Saturday) morning I got up, had my coffee and started to make some homemade biscuits and gravy.  I've got all kinds of meats in the fridge that have to be cooked in the next couple days.  I am big on sitting down as a family and eating meals together as much as possible.

I had told the girls that I'd give them their allowance to help me clean the apartment, a deep cleaning.  They amaze at how willing they are to help with chores and take pride in their work.  Grandma called and said she'd come by for a visit when we were done cleaning but Gabby had got a gift card for Toy's R Us so she asked Grandma if she'd take them there.  

We cleaned: vacuumed, swiftered, dusted, laundry, dishes, bleached bathrooms, changed linens, and before we knew it Grandma was here.  I gave Olivia $20 to match Gabby's gift card.  And then gave them another $10 a piece for helping with the chores, but that stayed home in their purse and will go into their bank accounts.  Already teaching them how to earn their keep and earn a little money, it works out great.

Grandma took them to Toy's R Us and I stayed home to clean the windows outside on the balcony.  It gets so dusty and dirty here it's turning me into an OCD freak.  Actually I am thankful for every little thing the girls and I have, and the best way for me to show them how grateful I am to have the things we do is to take care of our belongings.  

I managed to get the windows done inside and out before my mom came back with the girls.  I had cleaned the coffee pot with vinegar so I decided to make a fresh pot of Java: I needed it, I had been working non-stop since opening my eyes and it was 3pm....almost time to start dinner.

The girls came in with two boxes of Lincoln logs and Olivia bought a make-up, nail polish, lip gloss kit.....the stuff I loathe.  Not that I loathe the fact little girls should be wearing the stuff, Olivia spilled nail polish in the bathroom a couple weeks ago and got it all over her and Gabby.  I asked them to play with the logs and I would paint their nails for them later...problem solved.

My mom and I sat out on the balcony and drank our coffee.  It was nice with the sun shining on our faces, we talked about how I got conned into cooking half of Easter dinner!  I have to make a turkey, candied yams, and baked beans.  I'll WOW the family as always with the food!  My mom had her coffee and left.

I got busy unloading the clean dishes and started making chicken and rice in the over, another easy dish: two boxes of Uncle Ben's rice in a glass 9"x13" pan with four boneless, skinless chicken breasts.  Oven, 375, one hour...done!

Gabby had got a small ice cream maker for her birthday so I promised we'd make ice cream so it'd be ready before their bed time.  I show Gabby how to use a sauce pan, how to just barely heat the cream and whisk the sugar without boiling the cream.  We followed the directions on the card and stuck it in the freezer.

We ate dinner, I did dishes, and then we played with their Lincoln logs until the baseball game was over.  They hurried and changed into their pajamas so I could paint their fingers and toes.  These little women are high maintenance!  After their stuff dried we check on the ice cream and it was ready!  The Vanilla turned out really well for us first timers....

We had such an awesome day, and at the end of it I was plumb tuckered.  But there's a real reason I write this.

I'm not a big believer in the man upstairs but I am thankful and grateful that whoever made the decision to keep me on this planet did so for a reason: my two daughters.  I am thankful that I've been blessed with them, my family, friends, and the graces which have been bestowed upon me in recent months.

I am finally living the dream and I am grateful I've been given this opportunity.

I hope everyone is enjoying time with someone they love today!