
Thursday, November 11, 2010

Love Pink

There's a time and a place for everything and maybe 3:30 pm isn't the best time to meet ladies or find a fwb....


There are some fine ass moms picking up their kids from school. 

If you think about it, we're all hanging around the same place Monday through Friday because we enjoy(ed) one thing.

Getting our fuck on.

It's a common bond, kind of like AA or NA.  I prefer to stand back with my shades on and let others do the talking per-se. 

I've picked apart most of these parents. 

Wow.  She's hot with 6 kids in grade school.  Her taint is a clown car.

If you are woman wearing stretch pants 5 sizes too small, on a daily basis, to pick up your kids from school.... 

You are not fooling me.

I will bullshit with just about anybody who gets near me at the school playground but there's one female in particular who I have yet to talk to.  My buddy and I are always checking this female out, knowing she comes dressed the way she does for one reason. It's not rocket science.

She wears the same kind of pants on a daily basis.  I've stood about two feet away from her many days and we've yet to speak to each other other than a "hey" or "hi."  She's not a bad looking lady.  Two-toned blonde and dark brown hair. 


I wore my pink polo and my Tigers cap to the school one day, the next day her toddler son had a pink polo shirt on and she had her trademark pink sweats.

That same day while the kids were playing after school, her kids coincidentally scurried over to the same set of monkey bars to play.  I stood like a dear in the headlights watching my kids play knowing that my face would melt if I looked over at her. 

She's talking away to her kids and made a kind remark about my girls.  I politely turned with my dark glasses and smiled at her.  I walked about 5 feet away.

I've never been hesitant to talk to anybody.  Occasionally there's a woman who comes along whose beauty is threatening, but this is hardly the case.

Today I didn't see her standing in the normal spot.  The kids poured out of the doors like flood gates throwing their backpacks at me.  I picked up their stuff and was wondering where Ms. Pink was.

I noticed this strange hot woman on the playground today.  Of course I walked over there and to my dismay it was this woman dressed to the nine's.  Jeans, high heals, hair and make-up; she looked a little porn star.

People, like us, tend to have a trademark of some sort so people always remember the name and the face. 

She has hers....

I have mine....

There's a valid reason I haven't sparked up a conversation with her.  With an ass like that we all know very well what will happen when that day comes.

Look with your eyes, not with your hands.


  1. "taint is a clown car." You are a poet baby.

  2. Dude... Ever notice my dark glasses? Great stuff. I knew the other dad's weren't as cut back as they appear. Think spring.

  3. I notice a lot of little things!!!

    I am looking forward to Spring!!
